Spider-Man: Miles Morales Teaser Shows Off A New Costume For New York's Newest Hero

3 years 7 months ago

Marvel's Spider-Man developer Insomniac has uploaded a new teaser for its upcoming PS4 and PS5 game Miles Morales: Spider-Man. In the sneak peek, which highlights sections from the game's in-universe newspaper The Daily Bugle, Miles has already made a public appearance as the latest Spider-Man, although his first few outings have shown off his inexperience.

"When Spidey's partner first descended, the new Wall-Crawler's webs were messy, his one-liners were cheesy, and his swinging wasn't that graceful," the one entry reads. "Since then, he's been seen training on rooftops and in alleys all across town with his mentor."

That line and a quick teaser video suggest that the original Spider-Man will still have a large part to play in Miles' crime-fighting career. The video also showed off an alternative costume for Miles, in which his trademark black spider-suit is covered up by a hoodie and baggy shorts, similar to the outfit he wore in the animated film Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse.

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Darryn Bonthuys
