Resident Evil Village Gameplay Details: Combat, Merchant, Puzzles, And More

3 years 3 months ago

Capcom showed Resident Evil Village gameplay during a digital showcase event and, as expected, it looks a lot like Resident Evil 7. However, as producer Pete Fabiano details, a number of changes and new features have been added to mix up how the game plays.

The gameplay trailer, which you can watch below, begins in a part of the titular village. This area looks to be a snow-covered graveyard and, as expected, it's rather ominous, with a dreary, overcast atmosphere and spindly trees looming overhead. In the distance is the castle, which players will need to venture into as returning protagonist Ethan Winters, who is there to rescue his kidnapped daughter.

Capcom has opted to keep the first-person perspective for Resident Evil Village, which was introduced in Resident Evil 7 and praised for bringing a new, more immersive quality to the franchise. "We think it really draws players into the detailed world we've created," Fabiano explained. "The team put a ton of effort into creating a truly authentic feel. From art design to technology, everything ties in great, and creates some beautiful visuals."

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Tamoor Hussain
