Rainbow Six Siege Update 4.3 Now Live On PC Test Servers, Full Patch Notes Revealed

3 years 3 months ago

Ubisoft has dropped a new update for Rainbow Six Siege on the PC test servers that adjusts Ranked and tweaks operators, among other things. The full patch notes for Y5S4.3 are outlined below.

The leading features of this latest update center around tweaking the game's many operators. Ash's Breaching Round explosive has had its area of effect reduced to two meters, down from 3.5 meters previously. Buck's shotgun ammo capacity has been increased from 26 to 31. Meanwhile, a number of other operators--including Ela, Kali, Lesion, Lion, and three others--have had certain pieces of equipment removed, like the angled grip from Melusi's MP5.

The patch also makes a small but notable tweak to Ranked: increasing the cancelation time. Now, disconnected players will have more time to rejoin matches. Furthermore, certain exploits that let players end the first round before it started, which effectively prevented the other team from canceling the match, have been fixed.

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Jeremy Winslow
