Pokemon Sword & Shield Players Have Beaten Enough Max Raids To Unlock A Shiny Legendary For Everyone

3 years 10 months ago

Pokemon Sword & Shield introduced a new Max Raid event within the recently released Isle of Armor DLC, and it came with a potential reward for all players. It was announced that if one million players beat the Zeraora Max Raid, every player would be able to claim a free shiny Zeraora through Pokemon Home.

As it turns out, players were able to achieve this goal very fast. The Pokemon Japan Twitter account has announced that players have not only hit that number, but eclipsed it--the Max Raid has seen 1,435,283 victories. This counts each individual player within a team that has successfully completed it.

Because of this, every player who transfers a Pokemon between Pokemon Home and Sword/Shield between June 18 and July 7 will be able to earn a shiny Zeraora in the mobile version of Home, regardless of whether you've completed this Raid, or even own the DLC.

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James O'Connor
