Pokemon Go April 2020 Field Research Tasks

4 years 1 month ago

April is officially underway, which means Pokemon Go developer Niantic has once again refreshed the game's Field Research list. Many of April's Field Research tasks are the same as March's, although some offer new rewards, and you won't find many tasks that require you to hatch eggs (which is helpful as many part of the world are under lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic).

Unlike the more story-focused Special Research quests, Field Research tasks are distributed via PokeStops. You'll receive a random task when you spin the Photo Disc, and each one you complete will net you rewards, which can range from helpful items like Berries to encounters with certain Pokemon.

On top of that, the first Field Research task you complete each day will earn you a stamp. If you collect seven stamps, you'll achieve what's called a Research Breakthrough, which will net you additional rewards as well as an encounter with a special Pokemon. April's Research Breakthrough reward is the rare Alolan Exeggutor; you'll get a chance to catch the Pokemon each time you achieve a Research Breakthrough this month.

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Kevin Knezevic
