Nioh 2 Yokai Power Guide: Explaining Yokai Shift, Spirit Cores, Guardian Spirits, And More

4 years 3 months ago

Yokai powers are the most significant new addition to combat in Nioh 2. As a half-Yokai human known as a Shiftling, you can leverage your supernatural abilities in a couple of ways to give you an edge during the game's toughest battles. But all of this may be confusing to you early on. After all, Nioh 2 isn't shy about throwing a ton of tutorials your way the moment you begin.

Below we break down the essential things you need to know about Yokai powers in Nioh 2, including details about Yokai Shift forms, Spirit Cores, and Guardian Spirits. For more Nioh 2 tips, be sure to read our essential beginner's guide. Also, be on the lookout for our Nioh 2 review in the coming days.

Yokai Shift

As to be expected, your primary Yokai ability is to turn into one! Known as the Yokai Shift, this form grants you devastating power for a limited time. It's similar to Nioh 1's Living Weapon form but is greatly expanded. There are three Yokai Shift forms in total--Brute, Feral, and Phantom--and the form you can become depends on the Guardian Spirit you equip.

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Matt Espineli
