Nioh 2 Update Addresses Yokai Abilities And More, Full Patch Notes Revealed

4 years 2 months ago

Developer Team Ninja has dropped a new update for the PS4 samurai Soul-like Nioh 2 that "primarily focuse[s] on Yokai abilities." We've compiled the full patch notes below.

The update makes a number of adjustments to Nioh 2's various Soul Cores. Many of these tweaks make the Yokai abilities easier to execute, cause them to do more damage and produce more hits, decrease startup and recovery time, increase drop rates, and more. Team Ninja said these alterations should provide "a more balanced and well-rounded experience for the player."

In addition to adjusting the Yokai abilities, Team Ninja also tweaked some of Nioh 2's mechanics to make them a little more forgiving. These include increasing the success window of the Ki Pulse, adjusting a bunch of different weapon skills, fixing a host of issues related to Yokai Shift and the Blacksmith, and more.

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Jeremy Winslow
