Nintendo Labo's Coolest Kits Get Big Discounts (Today Only)

3 years 11 months ago

Though it didn't catch on like Nintendo probably hoped, the Nintendo Labo lineup of DIY cardboard builds are still pretty impressive. They also happen to have that wonderfully weird charm that many of Nintendo's most exciting products possess. With everyone spending more time at home, it's a great time to sit down with the family and make cardboard cars, submarines, and airplanes. Best Buy currently has two of the cooler Labo kits--the VR Kit and Vehicle Kit--discounted to $20 in its current Deal of the Day.

I had a great time building several of the Labo kits with my daughter, so I'd definitely recommend Labo to anyone with young kids who is looking for a fun activity to work on at home.

Nintendo Labo Vehicle Kit | $20 ($70)

Nintendo Labo Vehicle Kit

The Vehicle Kit comes with three builds: car, plane, and submarine. After making each build, you can use them to play unique games with the help of the Joy-Con's HD Rumble feature. Overall, the Vehicle Kit probably has the most impressive games, which means you and your kids will likely get more use out of the cardboard builds after putting them together. Like all Labo kits, you can design your own apps in Toy-Con garage using a node-based programming language.

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Steven Petite
