New Outriders Demo Update Eliminates Lootcave Exploit

3 years 2 months ago

Publisher Square Enix has announced that the Outriders demo will be getting an update on March 5 at 7 AM PT / 10 AM ET. The update will implement a few balancing changes and quality-of-life improvements.

The update is largely aimed at eliminating the grind for loot. The Outriders demo has a lootcave run where players can reload over and over to open the same three chests--which, when done enough times, allows you to eventually get some nice loot, including legendary items. The update eliminates this exploit by ensuring chests will no longer drop legendary items.

"While we do not want to prevent farming runs (We get it!), the lootcave discovered via the triple chest-run, as well as the store exploit, do not feel to be within the spirit of the game," the patch notes say. "To that end, we are redirecting farming efforts to mechanics in the game that may be more enjoyable for players to play through and repeat."

The update also nerfs some of the more annoying abilities used by the Captain mobs, which should make them a less frustrating challenge whenever they pop up. Additionally, Gauss, an early optional boss in the demo that you can face off against multiple times, will gain increased health and the ability to heal himself on subsequent runs, ensuring he remains a challenge and never becomes too easy.

Outriders Demo March 5 Update Patch Notes

Changes To Captains

  • The Captain mob ability "Healing Light" will have its effectiveness reduced.
  • The Captain mob ability "From the Ashes" and "Phoenix Aura" will have their cooldowns increased.
    • Some players were finding it hard to fully kill Captains who would trigger these abilities, making for a frustrating rather than a challenging but fun encounter.

Changes To Gauss

  • Gauss will have his health points increased for repeat playthroughs.
    • This is to ensure that he remains fun and challenging for players who are overpowered at this point in the story.
  • Gauss healing from his ability "Steel Wall" will be increased.

Changes To loot drops

  • While we do not want to prevent farming runs (We get it!), the lootcave discovered via the triple chest-run, as well as the store exploit, do not feel to be within the spirit of the game. To that end, we are redirecting farming efforts to mechanics in the game that may be more enjoyable for players to play through and repeat.
    • Epic items will no longer appear in shops and vendors (within the demo).
    • Chests will no longer drop legendary items.
    • Side quest rewards (on repeat runs) will now have a chance to drop legendary items.
Jordan Ramée
