New Fallout 76 Events Detailed, Launching Alongside Huge Wastelanders Update

4 years 1 month ago

At the same time as Fallout 76's big Wastelanders DLC expansion goes live on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, developer Bethesda outlined two new events coming to the online action-RPG on April 7.

The first one, titled Riding Shotgun, sees players protecting a Brahmin-led caravan from the ruthless Blood Eagle gang. Those that manage to protect one (or both) will receive some loot, XP, and Caps for their troubles. But also during the journey, players are tasked with collecting lost items from the Blue Ridge Caravan Company's previous attempts to get the convoy up the steep cliffs of the Savage Divide. Protect the caravan and secure the lost supplies, and you'll be rewarded handsomely with "better rewards" for the effort.

Radiation Rumble is the second event, and it requires much more strategic planning as it tasks players with performing two jobs at once: defending scavengers in one place while collecting ore from another. Players will need to protect a bunch of scavengers from mysterious, glowing creatures. In addition to providing protection, you will also need to gather as much irradiated ore as possible to earn "gear, supplies, reputation, XP, Caps, or even legendary items." This event is recommended for level 50-plus players.

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Jeremy Winslow
