New Elden Ring Gameplay Revealed In 15-Minute Demo

2 years 7 months ago

Right on schedule, Bandai Namco has released 15 minutes of new gameplay footage for From Software's highly anticipated RPG Elden Ring. The video shows off more of the game's dark and mysterious world, also providing a new look at the combat mechanics and other gameplay systems. Check out the footage in the video below and let us know what you think, including the look at a boss with far too many arms.

In the footage, which was taken from the PC version of the game, we are taken to the "Lands Between." Immediately, the player sees a Site of Grace, which is the games' version of a bonfire. A suggestion shows where the player can go next from the site, but it's up to them to determine if they want to do this or go somewhere else.

After a few seconds, a huge dragon comes crashing down, roaring as the player strafes it on a horse before taking to the sky and breathing fire down below. After sending it back down to the ground and wounding it, the player delivers a devastating blow at a weak point on its neck.

There are odd NPCs to find, of course, including one named Alexander who has become stuck inside a giant cauldron... or rather, he is the giant cauldron and was just stuck in the ground. That's From Software for you.

Unlike other From Software games, Elden Ring will have a map, but you must create it yourself from different fragments. You can use the map icons and beacons to help you locate things you've found previously, taking some influence from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and "Spirit Springs" will let you take your horse soaring into the air as you traverse new areas. Spirits can also be summoned to assist in battle. And, of course, there are PvP invaders to make things more difficult.

Because of the more open-ended structure, dungeons can sometimes be found simply by exploring the world, and they contain their own treasure and bosses.

Elden Ring was originally slated to launch in January 2022 before it was pushed to February 25, a month that is flooded with high-profile new releases. A collector's edition is coming, too.

You may not have to wait until 2022 to play Elden Ring, however, as there will be a closed network test beginning November 12, and you can register now for a chance to get in.

Elden Ring is set for release on PC, PS4, and Xbox One, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S. A free upgrade will be available for PS4 players to the PS5 version, while the Xbox versions will offer Smart Delivery support. For more, check out our Elden Ring preorder guide.

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For lots more on Elden Ring, check out GameSpot's preview, "Elden Ring Puts A From Software Spin On Open Worlds."

Eddie Makuch
