NBA 2K20 Update Addresses MyPlayer And MyTeam Concerns, Full Patch Notes Detailed

4 years 1 month ago

NBA 2K20 has received a small update on Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, Stadia, and Xbox One that addresses some MyPlayer and MyTeam issues. We've compiled the full patch notes are below.

The new NBA 2K20 patch fixes an issue related to MyPlayer's ability to dunk alley-oops. For some reason, the created character sometimes wouldn't dunk the ball after initiating or receiving an alley-oops despite having the necessary rating to do so. This problem should be ironed out now.

NBA 2K20's newest update also makes some tweaks to MyTeam. These include fixing a problem where players' Collector Level would inexplicably reset after selling a bunch of cards, addressing an issue where the ball would drop incredibly slow when activating the ball drop mechanic, and rectifying created or customized assets so that the desired accessory colors appeared in-game.

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Jeremy Winslow
