Minecraft Dungeons Guide: All Secret Levels And How To Access

3 years 11 months ago

Minecraft Dungeons is a family-friendly dungeon crawler, but there's more to it than might be immediately obvious from a casual run through the game. It actually houses a handful of hidden levels, which are great opportunities for more loot and gems. Like regular stages, these hidden stages can be repeated as often as you'd like, but you'll have to find and unlock them first.

There are five hidden stages in all, in addition to the nine standard campaign stages, for a total of 14. One element that makes the hidden stages difficult to find is that the levels in Minecraft Dungeons are randomly generated. The entrances to these dungeons can be difficult to pin down to one location, and they don't even populate into a stage consistently. That means you could enter a stage that doesn't actually have the entrance at all, and not realize it until you've searched high and low and come up empty.

Generally, though, the hidden stage entrances are marked by some telltale signs and tend to populate in a few reliable areas. We've outlined where to look below, and if you don't see it, just exit back to Camp and try again. These can be found on any difficulty and that will unlock them across all difficulty levels, so set it to the easiest difficulty so you can rush through to look for the entrance without worrying too much about enemies. And if you need to comb a level thoroughly, as is the case in some, make sure to turn on your semi-transparent mini-map and don't follow the yellow directional arrow.

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Steve Watts
