Gamescom Confirms Its Dates And Opening Night Live Showcase Event

4 years ago

Gamescom has moved to an all-digital event in the wake of coronavirus concerns, and as a result the show is getting a slight date shift. Previously scheduled to take place August 25-29, the new digital event will instead be held August 27-30. That also shifts the date for the Opening Night Live event held by Geoff Keighley, which will now be August 27.

According to the announcement, Gamescom will now serve as a "content hub" for news and publisher events. Unlike the standard Gamescom, the digital event won't require a ticket since the events will be streaming. Opening Night Live will kick off the show, in addition to some other special events like Gamescom: Awesome Indies and Gamescom: Daily Show. The event will culminate in the August 30 presentation of Best of Show.

The annual Devcom conference will take place August 17-30, running partly concurrently with Gamescom.

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Steve Watts
