Fortnite Update 12.50: New Patch Nerfs Heavy Sniper, Adds Casual Party Royale Mode

4 years ago

The latest update to Fortnite is now live, introducing a new limited-time mode, some significant balance changes, and other additions. Several of the changes from the 12.50 patch are already live, while dataminers have been digging up details about what may be coming.

The biggest new addition is Operation Payload, the latest limited-time mode. Like other Payload modes, you need to attack or defend a moving target as it makes its way across the map, and then switch to the other side to do it all over again. Epic teased that you can earn Intel and unlock more spy tech through the mode.

Though not really a mode, per se, Epic is also testing its "Party Royale" mode this week. That mode is non-competitive, taking place on an alternate, smaller map with friendly activities to do with your pals in a less hostile environment. It would also make sense to be the venue for future events like the recent Travis Scott concert, which disabled the normal competitive play.

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Steve Watts
