Fortnite Sentinel Graveyard Guide: How To Dance On Different Sentinel Heads (Week 2)

3 years 8 months ago

Fortnite Chapter 2: Season 4's Week 2 challenges are coming later this week. One challenge will send you to a specific Marvel location. It asks you to dance on top of different Sentinel Heads at the Sentinel Graveyard. This guide will show you how to find the Sentinel Graveyard and get the challenge done quickly.

This challenge leaked early; check back on Thursday to see it live within Fortnite.

Where Is The Sentinel Graveyard?

The Sentinel Graveyard is located in the E6 tile on the map near Lazy Lake and Misty Meadows. It has multiple giant robots laying around in a clearing. It's easy to land directly there and loot the houses and camps nearby, but there won't be enough for multiple players if you run into someone looking for a fight. Some players, however, will be trying to complete the challenge like you. Be friendly if possible. Check out the map below for an exact location:

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Aron Garst
