Fortnite Jinx Skin On The Way In League Of Legends Crossover, Says Leak

2 years 6 months ago

A Fortnite and League of Legends crossover is set to be announced very soon, according to one reliable insider for Epic's battle royale game. There have been several whispers swirling as of late regarding a major collaboration that was on the horizon, but those in the know had remained very tight-lipped until now. If this apparent leak is true, we will soon find a Fortnite Jinx skin in the game as Epic and Riot collaborate on a major video game crossover.

According to ShiinaBR, one of the most trusted Fortnite dataminers and insiders, the Fortnite Jinx skill will be revealed and released next week to coincide with the launch of Riot Games' new animated Netflix show, Arcane, which takes place in the ever-popular League of Legends world of Runeterra.

The Harley Quinn-esque "loose cannon" Jinx has become the de facto mascot of Riot's MOBA, so it would make sense for any crossover between two of the world's biggest games to involve her--as far as we know, don't hold your breath for a Jonesy hero in League, though.

The news from ShiinaBR does not appear to be a discovery made in the game's PC files, as they are the only one to have reported it despite the game's always-online datamining community. More likely, the insider heard from a source they trust, and in a world where basically everything comes to Fortnite and this insider is trustworthy, we're liable to trust them ourselves. It's also not clear if this leak is related to a previously teased skin reveal involving Twitch streamer The Grefg.

We'll have to wait to hear more, though with Arcane premiering on Netflix on November 6, it shouldn't be long at all if the leak is accurate. In the meantime, don't miss the latest goings-on surrounding the upcoming Fortnite Naruto skin too.

Mark Delaney
