Fortnite Dataminers Claim To Have Leaked New Ruins Area

3 years 10 months ago

It's not unusual for Fortnite's battle royale map to change and evolve throughout a season, but the end of Chapter 2, Season 3's water-themed event may see the map go through bigger changes than usual. As reported by Polygon, dataminers claim to have identified a new area filled with ruins that will be revealed as the water recedes. As of right now, we cannot see any of it, with the game's recent The Device event flooding a huge portion of the map. This came in preparation for Aquaman's challenges.

A map posted on Reddit shows the potential upcoming state of the map according to datamined images, with a new location in the top left corner of the map called "The Ruins." Some have speculated that this area may have something to do with Aquaman, as the DC hero was introduced in the new Battle Pass. Our guide to all the currently available Aquaman challenges can be found here.

Since the start of July, the high water levels introduced at the start of Season 3 have started receding to allow full access to formerly flooded locations. The leaks suggest that the new ruins area will also be revealed as the water levels continue to recede throughout the season.

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Hayley Williams
