Fortnite Cookbook Locations: Where To Collect Cookbooks At Pleasant Park And Craggy Cliffs

3 years 2 months ago

The new challenges for Fortnite Season 5, Week 14 are now live, and a few of them are food-themed. Though not particularly difficult, they are a little bit tedious and can be annoying to complete if you don't know what you're looking for. One such challenge tasks you to collect cookbooks from Pleasant Park and Craggy Cliffs. We'll show you how to complete this challenge in just a few minutes.

The name of the challenge is a bit dishonest, as you don't actually have to go to both locations. We've circled them on the map, but we strongly recommend going to Craggy Cliffs, as you'll be returning to this location at least one other time this week for a different Fortnite challenge.

Cookbook Locations

Either location will work for this challenge

Head around the buildings in Craggy Cliffs, especially the homes, and examine the floors. All of the cookbooks we found were on floors rather than tables or counters.

All cookbooks are identical

You'll see very small green and yellow books on the ground, and all you have to do is collect them. They aren't exclusively in kitchens, but we found two of them on kitchen floors and two in other areas of the buildings.

In Pleasant Park, the cookbooks also look exactly the same. We found one in a kitchen almost immediately when entering a house. If for some reason you couldn't find four at Craggy Cliffs, you can finish the challenge by heading over to Pleasant Park.

Cookbook at Pleasant Park

Once you've collected four of these, the challenge is complete. It's the first in a four-challenge sequence that will eventually send you back to Craggy Cliffs, so make note of the landmarks.

Gabe Gurwin
