Fallout 76 Roadmap Outlines New Seasons, Changes To Challenges

4 years ago

Fallout 76 recently rolled out its Wastelanders update, bringing one the often-requested NPCs and associated quests to the online-only game. Bethesda appears far from finished with its post-apocalyptic MMO, though, as the studio has now detailed a roadmap for the next several months. On the whole the changes seem aimed at making it even more of a live services game, including the addition of seasons with unique cosmetic rewards.

The new seasons system will debut with the Summer Season, and will replace the current challenges system. As the name implies, the studio plans to introduce four seasons per year. Once Update 20 hits, you'll find an option in the main menu with a seasonal progression screen. The theme for the first season will look like a board game, where you move spaces on the board to progress through 100 ranks. Completing in-game challenges will accumulate "S.C.O.R.E. points" to move ahead in the board, and rewards will be items like unique outfits, CAMP gear, skins, consumables, perk card packs, and in-game currencies.

Rewards will only apply to one of your characters, and major rewards will come at numbered milestones like ranks 25, 50, and 76. If you reach level 100 you'll get an "End of Season" bundle. For the first season, this big reward includes Captain Cosmos themed items: a Jangles the Moon Monkey Stein, planetarium desk lamp, and a framed version of the season 1 board game.

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Steve Watts
