Doom Eternal's Battlemode Multiplayer Is A Non-Stop Full-Speed Rush

4 years 1 month ago

Every time I've had the chance to play Doom Eternal, I came away impressed with how its single-player campaign is building on 2016's great foundation while rethinking challenge in FPS combat. It's controlled chaos, pushing you to use the many weapons and tools to rip and tear demons with grace, and reasonably punishing you if you don't. A lot of effort has been put into making these systems work, and recreating that experience for multiplayer has led to what's called Battlemode.

Doom isn't really known for its multiplayer; the somewhat lackluster showing for Doom in 2016 comes to mind. And when we visited id Software recently, Doom Eternal's game director Hugo Martin and executive producer Marty Stratton told us that they knew they had to do something different. There, we got our first hands-on with Battlemode, and saw just how drastically this new multiplayer approach is deviating from convention, yet capturing--sometimes intensifying--the adrenaline rushes you get through the campaign. You'll see what I'm talking about in the video below.

Here are the basics; it's an asymmetrical 1v2 competitive mode with one player as Doom Slayer, equipped with all the single-player capabilities, against two players as demons, with multiple to choose from, each acting like different class-types. In each round, Doom Slayer has to kill both player-demons before either one respawns on a 20-second countdown while the demons just need to kill Doom Slayer. But since Doom Slayer has every capability from the campaign--a full loadout, and the chainsaw, glory kill, and flame belch to keep resources replenished--the demon team has to strategize to win.

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Michael Higham
