Doom Eternal Doom Hunter Base: Mission 4 Walkthrough And Tips

4 years 2 months ago

Doom Eternal's fourth mission has you mounting an assault on the Doom Hunter's base. Below you can find a walkthrough detailing how to get through its deadly demonic threats. For walkthroughs of Doom Eternal's other chapters, check out our guide hub collecting what we have up so far. We'll be publishing more in subsequent days. But if you're looking for more basic Doom Eternal tips, be sure to read our guide detailing everything you should know before playing. Otherwise, you can read our Doom Eternal review in progress.

Mission 4 Walkthrough -- Doom Hunter Base

This mission begins on a train, so kill all of the Soldiers and Imps here--using the Rocket Launcher to make short work of the Mancubus--and then follow the waypoint to detach a carriage and pull into the station.

Climb up the left hand side to reach the platform and defeat the enemies waiting for you. From here, follow the waypoint to jump and wall climb your way to the other side. Head through the door and you'll encounter a Pinky for the first time.

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Richard Wakeling
