Destiny 2: Where Is Xur This Week? Exotic Items / Location Guide (Aug. 28-Sept. 1)

3 years 8 months ago

We're about to enter the final week of Destiny 2's Solstice of Heroes event, which means time is running out to earn your special Solstice armor and to knock out key Moments of Triumph. It's a good time to visit weekend vendor Xur and rifle through his offerings of Exotic weapons and armor to get yourself the tools you need. Head to Titan to find Xur this week, on The Rig. For his weapon, Xur is offering Sunshot. Hunters can pick up the Gwisin Vest chest armor; for Titans, there's the Actium War Rig chest armor; and for Warlocks, Xur has the Contraverse Hold gauntlets.

Xur Location

Find Xur by spawning in on The Rig on Titan and heading north and east, along the edge of the area and around the building near the transmat zone. You'll need to go left and under some walkways, through an area populated by Fallen. On the far side, look for a low building to your left, near the edge of the area. Xur is hanging out in the shadows within.

Head to the north edge of the rig and look for a small building to the east of the transmat zone to find Xur.

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Phil Hornshaw
