Death Stranding Update Adds Photo Mode On PS4

4 years 1 month ago

Kojima Productions has introduced a new Death Stranding update, which adds a photo mode to the open-world game. The 1.12 update is now available on PlayStation 4, letting you capture snaps of the oddly lovely post-apocalyptic world.

According to Kojima Productions, the photo mode will let you change angles, adjust the color settings and frames, and change the expression of Sam Bridges. Death Stranding is set in an open world and by default it lacks infrastructure, so your photo log could represent the sparse time before Sam helps connect the world, or the after once you've helped rebuild society.

The word of a photo mode was first announced for the PC version, which is set to come in June. But studio head Hideo Kojima recently announced that PS4 owners will be able to try the photo mode too with this free update. The PC version will also include a high frame rate option and ultra-wide monitor support. This represents a trend of PS4 games heading to PC along with Horizon: Zero Dawn, but Sony says we shouldn't expect that to always be the case.

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Steve Watts
