Cooking-Themed Life-Sim Epic Chef Announced, And It Looks Delightful

3 years 11 months ago

Team17, the publisher behind Overcooked and Moving Out, has announced its latest game--and it sounds really interesting and unique. Developed by Infinigon Games, Epic Chef is a cooking-themed single-player life-simulator game coming to PC.

"Players will find themselves in the city of Ambrosia and as Zest, the mysterious new stranger in town, they must take on master chefs in histrionic culinary combat in a bid to become the best chef in town," reads a line from Team17's press release.

Epic Chef has a narrative element, along with life-sim activities such as farming and foraging. You go fishing, enjoy a day at the spa, or just zen out in the "laid back" city of Ambrosia.

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Eddie Makuch
