Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Patch Notes Revealed (December 7), Free DLC Available

3 years 5 months ago

Just ahead of the launch of Black Ops Cold War and Warzone's Season 1 expansion, Call of Duty developer Treyarch has announced a new patch is coming to Black Ops Cold War very soon.

This newest game update will go live around 11 PM PT on December 7, and it includes a series of quality-of-life improvements, bug fixes, stability updates, and adjustments to weapons and Scorestreaks. The patch doesn't contain any weapon buffs or nerfs, however.

The big change for weapons is that there is now more polish to the "visual kickback" when firing from the hip. Additionally, the updates fixes an animation issue with the Hauer 77 and it clears out a bug that could cause thermal scopes to not work properly when riding in a vehicle.

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Eddie Makuch
