Call Of Duty Black Ops Cold War Multiplayer: Modes, Maps, Scorestreaks, Wildcards, Loadouts, And More

3 years 8 months ago

We recently got hands-on with Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War's multiplayer through an online preview event held by Activision. This included an opportunity to experience the new game modes, a few of the maps, and a closer look at all the features that come with the multiplayer component. Here, we're rounding up everything we learned about multiplayer Black Ops Cold War so far.

If you want to check out a more detailed account about the gameplay experience, be sure to read my Black Ops Cold War preview that covers how it compares to Modern Warfare (you can also watch the video below). The single-player campaign is picking up where Black Ops 1 left off and aims to be another mind-bending, conspiracy-based story; you can catch up on what we know about Black Ops Cold War's campaign and what it's doing differently.

Game Modes

During our preview, we used the menu option called Featured Playlist, which offered matchmaking for specific modes on specific maps. There were also options for Custom Games and Theater, but they were locked at the time. The game modes we saw included:

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Michael Higham
