Baldur's Gate 3 Devs Reveal How The Game Relates To Its Predecessors

4 years 2 months ago

Developers working on the highly anticipated RPG Baldur's Gate 3 have taken to Reddit to answer some burning questions about the upcoming game. Many of these regard the game's take on DnD 5th Edition, while other curious fans have sought clarity on how much Baldur's Gate 1 and Baldur's Gate 2 will impact the story.

Creative director Swen Vincke has addressed fans' concerns that Baldur's Gate 3 would have little to do with the first two games, which were both developed by BioWare. "We really don’t want to spoil anything but we wouldn’t call it Baldur’s Gate 3 if there wouldn’t be a link," Vincke said. "Let me just say that we touch upon the story of BG 1 & 2 in meaningful ways, there are returning characters and what happened in BG 1/2/[Throne of Bhaal] leads to what happens into BG3. You won’t necessarily see that at the start of the adventure but you will quickly understand once you get further into the game."

Both Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 were based on the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2nd Edition, while Baldur's Gate 3 will be based on 5th Edition: a more accessible ruleset that has led to a huge boost in DnD's popularity.

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Hayley Williams
