Apex Legends Season 5 Quests--How To Find Treasure Packs And Unlock Hunt 1: The Cranky Clown

4 years ago

Apex Legends Season 5 has begun, adding new playable character Loba and the Fortune's Favor battle pass. There are quite a few notable changes in Season 5--detailed in the Fortune's Favor patch notes--including a brand-new mode, Quests, which adds story-based PvE missions to Respawn's battle royale game. However, to participate in the nine Hunts that make up this seasons' questline, The Broken Ghost, you'll need treasure packs.

Treasure packs are not found in Quests--you'll need to drop into matches in Apex Legends' PvP modes. It doesn't matter which one. Trios, Duos, and Ranked will all work. You can play as any character as well, though both Loba and Bloodhound can make the process a little bit easier. We'll explain why in a bit.

Treasure packs can be randomly discovered in supply bins. Occasionally, opening a supply bin will spit out a treasure pack. Walk over the pack to pick it up. Don't worry, treasure packs do not count towards your in-match inventory. Upon completion of the match, regardless if you win or lose, your treasure pack will be added to your in-game inventory.

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Jordan Ramée
