Apex Legends Season 5 Has Been The Best Yet For The Battle Royale

3 years 11 months ago

Apex Legends has been steadily getting better and better with each new season, and with the latest content in Season 5, EA says it's experiencing the best uptake from a season launch yet.

EA states in a press release that Season 5 of Apex Legends has encouraged lots of new players to join in, with many more choosing to stick around than in the past. Season 5 introduced a new character, Loba, and made changes to the map, including the destruction of Skull Town on King's Canyon. The ongoing expansion of the game's lore is also allowing developer Respawn to experiment with new ways to tease upcoming content, with the "Stories from the Outlands" series of shorts helping to introduce new combatants to the game.

Season 5 also introduced Quests--a feature which Respawn didn't think possible back when they launched Apex Legends' first season. We spoke to game director Chad Greiner about this evolution, where he explained that Respawn continually keeps learning from previous seasons while trying to shake things up with each new one.

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Alessandro Barbosa
