Apex Legends Season 5 Battle Pass Revealed: All Legendary, Epic, And Rare Rewards

4 years ago

Apex Legends Season 5: Fortune's Favor is officially live. The new season adds the new playable legend Loba to Apex Legends, as well as a new story-based PvE mode called Quests, plus a new battle pass that's full of rare, epic, and legendary rewards. The new season introduces plenty of in-game changes too, which are listed in the Season 5: Fortune's Favor patch notes.

Below, you can see all the major rewards included in the Fortune's Favor battle pass. That means we skip over rewards such as Apex Packs and Apex Coins to focus on the shinier prizes like legendary character and weapon skins. Though they are just as cool as brand-new skins or skydive emotes, we skip over the new music packs--it's difficult to use a still image to showcase how something sounds. That said, we have listened to them and they are all pretty cool.

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Like Apex Legends' previous battle passes, you'll need to complete daily and weekly challenges in order to unlock rewards in the Fortune's Favor battle pass. You'll get four new daily challenges every day at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET. Once your daily challenges rotate out, the old ones are gone for good.

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Jordan Ramée
