Apex Legends Lost Treasure Patch Notes Revealed; Major Character Buffs And Nerfs Listed

3 years 10 months ago

Respawn has released the full patch notes for the Apex Legends Lost Treasure Collection Event, which will add Crypto's town takeover to Kings Canyon, see the return of the Armed & Dangerous limited-time mode, and offer several new rare, epic, and legendary cosmetics to unlock. The Apex Legends event begins Tuesday, June 23.

Lost Treasures also implements several notable balancing changes, as listed in the patch notes. Of note, Revenant, Crypto, Loba, and Mirage all receive buffs, Gibraltar and Caustic are nerfed, Wraith and Wattson get both buffs and nerfs to their abilities, and Lifeline and Octane are reworked--both of their changes are similar to Mirage's transformation at the start of Season 5: Fortune's Favor.

The Lost Treasures update makes a rather interesting change to ziplines as well, applying a cooldown to re-grabbing ziplines without touching the ground. Jumping off and back on ziplines while riding them has been a popular strategy for avoiding gunfire since Apex Legends launched. This new cooldown will make it more difficult to constantly implement this strategy--which should make it far easier to snipe someone off a zipline.

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Jordan Ramée
