Apex Legends Loba Abilities Confirmed--The Thief Finds And Steals Loot

4 years ago

Respawn has released the character trailer for Loba, the next playable legend coming to Apex Legends in Season 5: Fortune's Favor--which starts tomorrow, May 12. The new trailer, which is embedded below, reveals Loba's passive, tactical, and ultimate abilities.

Loba's passive ability, Eye For Quality, allows the infamous thief to see epic and legendary loot through walls, giving her an advantage at quickly securing the best armor and weapon attachments for her and her squadmates.

Her tactical ability, Burglar's Best Friend, sees Loba throwing her bracelet. When it lands, Loba teleports to the location, picks up her bracelet, and returns to the fight. Not an ideal tactical ability for jumping straight into combat, but perfect for getting to out-of-reach loot or sneaking up behind enemy squads. You can see Loba use Burglar's Best Friend to escape an enemy squad and then get the drop on Revenant in the Season 5 gameplay trailer.

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Jordan Ramée
