Apex Legends' Lifeline Is Now A More Supportive Medic Thanks To New Patch

4 years 1 month ago

Lifeline is one of the latest Apex Legends characters to get an update that adjusts her in-match meta so that she performs as she's advertised. During The Old Ways event, several balance changes were made to certain characters and weapons--including Revenant and Lifeline. Revenant's buffs made the killer simulacrum into the aggressive attacker he's always been implied to be, while a more fundamental change for Lifeline has transformed the combat medic into a character who can better support her team.

As Pathfinder has transformed into a recon character, Lifeline is now the sole support character in Apex Legends. Geared towards healing, Lifeline's greatest asset is reviving allies more quickly and while under cover, as well as gifting healing and armor items to her allies through her Care Packages. However, she's seen an immense drop in utility with Gibraltar's buffs in Season 3: Meltdown and Season 4: Assimilation--especially with his new passive allowing him to revive allies as quickly as Lifeline and while under more cover than she provides.

Frankly, Gibraltar has become a better healer than Lifeline, which means the medic is truly only unique for her ability to gift items. Admittedly, this is a useful skill--especially on Kings Canyon where loot is a little more scarce than World's Edge--though the long cooldown timer on Lifeline's Care Package has made it difficult to balance her usefulness in comparison to other characters (her ultimate has the longest cooldown timer of all the legends at 360 seconds). The balance changes in The Old Ways update seems to address this.

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Jordan Ramée
