Apex Legends Kings Canyon Map Returns Alongside The Mirage Voyage

3 years 3 months ago

Respawn has snuck Kings Canyon back into Apex Legends for a limited time. And that's not all either, Apex Legends' original map seems to be the new home for The Mirage Voyage, which has parked in the empty crater where Skull Town used to be. If you want to see for yourself, you'll have to act fast--Kings Canyon will only remain in the rotation until January 21.

Kings Canyon was removed from Apex Legends' map rotation at the start of Season 7: Ascension, replaced by the battle royale's third map, Olympus. Season 7 saw the removal of The Mirage Voyage from World's Edge as well, the first town takeover to seemingly be removed from the game. Now we know better--it wasn't removed, it was just moved.

Be sure to aim carefully--unlike when it was on World's Edge, there's nothing beneath The Mirage Voyage while it's parked at Kings Canyon.

If you go into the cabin of The Mirage Voyage, you can find a new audio recording from Mirage's mom. It's...a very sad message to listen to--it's clear her mind is beginning to go. However, if you listen to the whole message, there are a few cool lore tidbits. The biggest of which is that Mirage's uncle is Droz, a Titan Pilot you meet in Titanfall 2. Initially a part of the 6-4 (the game's best Faction), Droz goes on to partner up with Davis to found The Last Resort--both Pilots work with you in Titanfall 2's Frontier Defense mode.

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Jordan Ramée
