Apex Legends Fight Night: Every New Legendary And Epic Skin

3 years 3 months ago

Fight Night, a new limited-time event, is now live in Apex Legends, adding a new town takeover and making welcome quality-of-life changes to the game. As a collection event, Fight Night also introduces a ton of new epic and legendary cosmetics to purchase from Apex Legends' in-game store. We've compiled images of them below.

It's a pretty excellent roundup of cosmetics this time around. In terms of legendary skins, the collection includes seven new character skins and five new weapon skins. In keeping in line with the theme of the event, everything is getting a shiny, Olympus-looking makeover.

Every item in the Fight Night collection can be bought with Apex Coins or crafted with Crafting Materials.

For the most part, everyone looks fly as hell...again, for the most part. Respawn still can't quite nail down a good legendary look for Bangalore--it's honestly the hair, we don't know why the team keeps trying to straighten Bangalore's awesome curls. Those looks don't work for her.

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Jordan Ramée
