Analogue's Nt Mini Noir Is Getting A Limited Restock This Week

3 years 9 months ago

If you're a discerning video game collector, you've probably already heard about Analogue, a company that makes high-end reproductions of popular retro consoles like the Super Nintendo and the Sega Genesis. While the Analogue Pocket, an upcoming handheld that plays Game Boy games and more, is still sold out, you'll soon have the opportunity to pre-order Analogue's take on the NES.

Analogue announced today on Twitter that a limited number of its Nt Mini Noir units will be available to pre-order on Tuesday, August 11 at 8 AM PT / 11 AM ET. As with all of Analogue's products, the Nt Mini uses FPGA (field programmable gate array) cores to mimic the original hardware of these consoles at the chip level, making for an entirely indistinguishable experience. You have to provide your own NES cartridges, however.

Unlike Analogue's later products--such as the Super Nt or Mega Sg, which sell for around $200--the Nt Mini retails for $500. Considering that they sell on Ebay for over $1,000, a certain kind of customer might consider it a bargain. The console ships this November.

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Steven T. Wright
