The Top 10 Soulslike Games

2 years 2 months ago

Platform: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, PC
Publisher: Bandai Namco
Developer: From Software
Rating: Mature

Demon’s Souls started it all. Sure, folks will argue that the concepts that would go on to become the modern-day Soulslike started even earlier in From Software’s history with games like Shadow Tower or the King’s Field games. But the modern incarnations feature challenging action/RPGs that offer battles with larger-than-life bosses, risk/reward offerings, mysteries to explore, and tight combat mechanics that force the player to commit to their choices.

For the purposes of this list, I’m acknowledging that Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice has plenty of Soulslike framework, but due to some significant differences in player development and build options, it’s being left out of consideration here as a Soulslike. That said, it’s a great game and you should give it a try if you haven’t already. Alright, let’s hit up the list and find out what Soulslike titles are most worthy of your time as we wait with unbridled anticipation for new options to arise and take their own places on this list – including Elden Ring!

And as a quick aside, qualifications and quantifications for what exactly falls into the Soulslike category can be somewhat nebulous, so before you opine at its lack of inclusion here, we love Hollow Knight, but don’t exactly consider it a Soulslike. You should still play it! As more and more Soulslikes enter the ring, this list may change in the future, so keep an eye out as more genre players come hailing from lands afar.


The Surge 2

Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC

While the first Surge is quite divisive, the second outing has been much better received. With a multitude of weapons to explore and aspects to upgrade and improve, your search for scraps, metal, and parts never end. Folks are always asking for options in the Souls vein that fall outside traditional or dark fantasy, and Surge 2 might be exactly what you’re looking for. Targeting various limbs and zones on enemies adds a new wrinkle to combat, and winding levels will keep you exploring. If you want a little more sawblade and nanomachine in your Souls, Surge 2 has you covered.

Check out our Surge 2 review here.


Salt and Sanctuary

Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Switch, Vita, PC

Salt and Sanctuary is a Soulslike through and through, with one of the primary differentiators being that it’s 2D. This translates to a more significant focus on platforming elements that third-person offerings have mostly eschewed, where you can hop around scenery for advantages in boss battles, jump around treetops, and climb the castle walls. Some exploration elements are also present, encouraging players to revisit earlier areas with new abilities like being able to walk upside down on structures in a sort of anti-gravity jolt. Big bosses abound, and the dark aesthetic makes the somewhat cartoony world plenty grim. If you want something that takes all of the core mechanics that make Souls great and turns it into a kind of side-scrolling 2D soiree, look no further than Salt and Sanctuary.

Check out our Salt and Sanctuary review here.


Remnant: From the Ashes

Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC

Multiple games have tried to mix Souls with shooting, and most of them have failed. Remnant: From the Ashes succeeds, combining fast-paced third-person shooting and looting with Souls features and mechanics. Gristly stages can hold more than one boss option, making traversing the same places or playing through more than once interesting, and co-op play is encouraged and fun. Bring a friend along, crush some levels, get some intriguing perks kicking and even make a build as you amplify your weapons. A roguelike mode is also available if you’re looking to keep things flowing long after you’ve completed what the game has to offer. It’s dark, fast, and a lot of fun. 

Check out our Remnant: From the Ashes review here.

Daniel Tack