Life is Strange: True Colors Review – More Powerful In Life Lessons Than Supernatural Talents

2 years 8 months ago

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Publisher: Square Enix
Developer: Deck Nine
Rating: Mature
Reviewed on: PlayStation 5
Also on: Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, Stadia, PC

Life is Strange has always been about emotions and coping with life’s challenges. Through the series, we’ve experienced different perspectives and a multitude of complex situations, from the perils of depression to the ugliness of racism. Stepping into a character’s shoes, we get to know their world and the people around them, often finding things are not always what they seem and using a superpower to change things for good measure. While Life is Strange: True Colors has all the hallmarks of past entries, like having a special power and consequences for your actions, it’s much more fueled by its emotional moments and realistic dilemmas. This is when the game is at its best, bringing a fantastic, well-written protagonist in Alex Chen, who you want to get to know and see succeed. 

You can think of Alex as the new kid on the block. The journey begins with Alex leaving the group home she’s stayed at for the last eight years to live with her brother Gabe in Haven Springs. It’s a heartwarming and sometimes awkward reunion, but her and Gabe’s bond and love for each other are evident from the get-go. Unfortunately, an accident happens and Gabe dies. From here on out, Alex is on a mission to make sense of his death. Could it have been prevented? 

The story has some good twists and is especially strong in how it explores Alex’s past in the foster care system and her family issues. The narrative is emotional, dealing with grief, abandonment, and self-worth, but it’s also just as much about finding your own path in life. The latter really comes together nicely in the final moments, letting you have a considerable impact on what Alex’s future holds. I enjoyed the narrative’s suspense and heartwarming moments, but it’s the characters that truly make the experience. 

Alex Chen is one of the best protagonists I’ve encountered in years, and it comes down to her resilience and undying hope for the better. Being thrown into the foster system, she has led a different life, but she hasn’t let it take away her sense of humor or her desire to help people in need. Voice actress Erika Mori gives Alex an emotional depth that cannot be overstated: her delivery is spot-on for Alex’s charming sarcasm, and when Alex is at her most vulnerable during emotional scenes, Mori never overacts, keeping you right in the moment and feeling for Alex and her circumstances.  

The people around Alex also made me feel connected to the town and her journey. All the denizens of Haven Springs are like a protective family, from father figure Jed who gives Alex a place to stay rent-free to the grandmotherly and overly affectionate Eleanor who just wants to see everyone happy. All the residents have their issues that you can choose to uncover more about, but what’s so touching is they’d do anything for a fellow. It works well as a contrast to Alex’s previous life, where she had to fend for herself and never felt a true belonging. Alex’s growing friendships with Steph and Ryan (either is romanceable if you like) are a highlight. Ryan is more laidback and a big dork at heart, while Steph is more sassy and independent. The three’s interactions became my favorite as their dialogue really showcases their bond, whether it’s taking silly pictures or joking around about who would be better at seducing a middle-aged lady. 

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The majority of Alex’s adventure is story-based, giving you dialogue options as you explore the town and try to piece together certain clues about people and places. The game offers a lot of exploration, so you’re best to go off the beaten path to get the most out of it. I was happy that it didn’t feel like there were filler puzzles, like finding some number of bottles to move on to the next scene. Everything you do fits well into the plot, including a fun LARP romp through town, a Spring Festival, and even just taking a job as a waiter. Learning about the people is part of the fun, and making choices about how to play scenes or handle situations keeps you involved in the plot.

Kimberley Wallace