10 PlayStation Games We'd Like To See On PC

3 years 2 months ago

With the recent confirmation from Sony Interactive Entertainment head Jim Ryan stating that more PlayStation games will be making the jump to PC, starting with Days Gone this Spring, it got us thinking: what other PlayStation adventures would we want to see make the leap onto the mod-friendly platform? While we could easily just say Bloodborne across the board (which we are very tempted to, mind you), here is an actual list of 10 PlayStation games we'd like to see on PC. 

While there is always the PlayStation Now service, it's not quite the same as an actual PC port. Modding Horizon Zero Dawn and Death Stranding when both games made their way to PC was so much fun, and to have that freedom with more titles in addition to an excuse for another playthrough would be amazing. 

Let's get started with our first pick: Bloodborne. 


Because obviously

You can't have any PlayStation to PC list without Bloodborne, let's be real. Dark Souls making its way over into the land of keyboard and RGBfied mice was a huge hit, and masochistic gamers like me are always down for some pain and murder. That's why Bloodborne would be the perfect fit! There's already a cozy spot right next to the Dark Souls games there and I will never, ever pass up the opportunity to have the Hunter go up against Thomas the Tank Engine with mod support. 

This action roleplaying game has a massive fan following, and for good reason. It blends creepiness with satisfying combat, and the challenges overcome throughout the story can feel so incredibly satisfying as a player. Seeing this game make the jump to PC would be amazing not only just to have it more available on a different platform, but it would also be an awesome way to make it a little more accessible for those players who might prefer to have a more customized setup. Like how the Xbox adaptive controller helps players get into the games they love the most, gaming on PC has a wider market of peripherals that could help all kinds of gamers jump into the mix. 

But mostly I just really want Thomas the Tank Engine to crush my soul. 

God of War

Scream "BOY!" now on PC

With God of War: Ragnarok on the horizon, this year would be the perfect time to bring in the PlayStation 4 iteration of Kratos' story. Seeing such a fearsome god in the role of a father with Atreus was a treat, and the title handled absolutely beautifully on PS4. That being said, the exploration and combat mechanics would mesh well with PC controls and the ability to play this adventure on the highest possible setting? Yes, please! 

While obviously two totally different games, what made me truly want this to be the next PC port was the ability to play Horizon Zero Dawn with a mouse and keyboard. Though they have two unique styles of mechanics, many of the environmental areas felt similar. Horizon had a plethora of tech issues when it first launched on PC, but the team eventually got the game where it needed to be and it was truly a stunning experience to take on. Give me that but with God of War and I think I might just be the happiest gamer on the planet, and I'm sure I'm far from alone on that. 

The Last of Us

PC needs more zombies

Picture this: Pedro Pascal. With the Mandalorian actor slated to play Joel in the upcoming TV series based off of the first game in the Last of Us franchise, imagine being able to mod the actor's face into the game itself to make that casting choice a little easier to envision. While I personally love Pascal for the role, I've seen a lot of people say that they are having a hard time seeing him as Joel. While I don't personally understand that, I know how quickly modders work. If Naughty Dog announced a PC port tomorrow (not through PlayStation Now), I can promise you that someone somewhere would have a Pascal mod ready to roll out by the end of the week. 

The Last of Us was a monumental title for PlayStaiton. While the second game was met with more of a mixed reception, both storylines were intricate beyond compare. To see the first game make its way onto PC platforms would give so many a chance to experience this harrowing world of survival for themselves, especially for households that are limited to only one platform of choice. 

Liana Ruppert