Torchlight II's new update lets you take a seal into battle

4 years 2 months ago

Arc Games has released a new update for the console edition of dungeon crawler Torchlight II. Along with a run of bugs fixes and stability improvements, the new patch - live in-game right now - adds three fun new pets to accompany you on your journey into the murky depths.

The three new pets are a woolly muskox (apparently an actual, real animal), a surprisingly cheerful-looking reindeer and, my personal favourite, a somewhat out-of-place seal. This menagerie will bravely follow your hero as they hack their way through Torchlight II's teeming sea of monsters, carrying your gear and juicy loot and willing to skip to the local store to sell off some of your unwanted baggage.

Torchlight II's new update lets you take a seal into battle screenshot

Chris Moyse