Titanfall 2 sees huge player resurgence ahead of Apex Legends crossover

3 years 2 months ago

Respawn Entertainment's Titanfall 2 is one of the finest first-person-shooters ever made, with an exciting, adrenaline-fueled, top-tier single-player campaign that only improves as it progresses. Five years on from the sequel's initial launch, new players are finally finding this out, thanks to Respawn's own battle royale release, Apex Legends.

On May 9, Apex Legends will launch its ninth season, "Legacy", which features multiple callbacks to Respawn's Titanfall days. Spearheaded by the arrival of new Legend Kairi "Valkyrie" Imahara, Legacy has already tipped its hat to Titanfall with its emotional, teasing cinematics. And, as spotted by VGC, it seems that the hype for the new season has encouraged players both old and new to jump back into the explosive world of Titanfall.

Titanfall 2 sees huge player resurgence ahead of Apex Legends crossover screenshot

Chris Moyse