Super Mario World soundtrack remaster presents the classics like you've never heard them before

3 years 4 months ago

One of the most instantly recognizable - and most lovable - video game soundtracks of all-time belongs to Nintendo's 1990 smash hit Super Mario World. And the jolly SNES OST is about to get a whole new reappraisal, thanks to the stellar work performed by The Super Mario Restored Project.

As spotted by Digital Eclipse's Chris Kohler, the restoration team identified the samples featured in the Super Mario World soundtrack, and then rebuilt the themes using fully uncompressed versions of said samples. This presents the soundtrack with a style akin to that of a full digital orchestra, adding a richness to the harmonies that wasn't there before. Check out the "Overworld" theme below for an example.

Super Mario World soundtrack remaster presents the classics like you've never heard them before screenshot

Chris Moyse