Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic remake reportedly in the works at Aspyr

3 years 2 months ago

It's sounding like the Knights of the Old Republic will be getting a revival, at the hands of a studio well-known for its handling of older games.

In an interview with MinnMax, Bloomberg's Jason Schreier confirmed that a remake of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is in development at Aspyr, which has previously ported KOTOR to iOS among many other titles. 

Eurogamer corroborates this news in its own report, so it looks pretty certain. It also lends credence to some rumors that were circling earlier this year, saying a new KOTOR was in development outside of Electronic Arts.

This means BioWare—currently working on the next installments in its Dragon Age and Mass Effect series—won't be handling it. But it's hard to ask for a better-suited studio to handle remaking KOTOR than Aspyr, which has worked on a number of ports and updates to older games. Hopefully we'll get some official news and details about this one soon.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic remake reportedly in the works at Aspyr screenshot

Eric Van Allen