PlayStation is giving out PS4 themes and avatars for Days of Play 2021

2 years 11 months ago

[Update: The Player Celebration event starts today, and Sony announced the date for the Days of Play Sale — May 26. We're getting deals on Demon's Souls, Miles Morales, Sackboy, and Nioh Collection. There's also going to be a PlayStation Plus "free online multiplayer" promo from May 22–23.]

Sony is hosting a PlayStation Player Celebration for its Days of Play 2021 event, which is just a fancy way of saying that if you sign up this month and play games and earn trophies, the community at large can work together to earn some free stuff — namely, PlayStation-themed avatars and themes.

Before I get into the minutia, here are the prizes:

A list of avatars and themes up for grabs in Days of Play 2021.

Sign-ups for the PlayStation Player Celebration opened up today and they'll stay open until May 31, 2021. You've just got to log into the PlayStation Store and click a link. That's about it for right now.

There are three "stages," each with distinct avatars and themes on the line, as well as bonus goals. For instance, the first stage, on May 18, has a goal of 2.4 million games played and 7.2 million trophies earned. Stage two starts on May 25, and stage three will begin on June 1. If we collectively reach all the baseline goals, we'll get a "cumulative prize": a neat theme and avatar with the PlayStation symbols.

If you can rope any of your friends into this scheme, you'll get double the goal progress for any games you play together online. Too complicated? Just register and do your own thing. I'm sure we'll hit it.

Even though I've got a PS5, I haven't left my PS4 Pro behind yet — it still has a tremendous library of games and cross-saves keep me connected. As such, there's still some value in themes, but I do wonder when, if ever, the PlayStation 5 will get themes. It's got to be one of the top "nice-to-have" requests.

PlayStation is giving out PS4 themes and avatars for Days of Play 2021 screenshot

Jordan Devore