PlayStation 3 games sure have gotten expensive

3 years 2 months ago

PlayStation 3 games have gotten expensive lately — as have a lot of other old games that are either rare, genuinely desirable as something an adult would play and enjoy in 2021, or heaven forbid, both.

I'm not about to sell off anything, but it's to the point where I've found myself re-checking all of my collections in astonishment after seeing the prices games are fetching right now. In some cases, especially my DS library, these are titles I haven't touched (much less thought about touching) in years. I know myself well enough to know that ditching them would end in eventual regret, but it's tempting.

It's a similar story on other consoles, including my bestie, the GameCube, and while it's not necessarily a new trend — the pandemic has done a number on retro game prices — the PS3 is worth watching.

In the wake of Sony announcing its plan to remove the ability to purchase digital PS3, Vita, and PSP games later this year, I've been on a mad dash to catalog my existing purchases, figure out my longstanding gaps, and begin buying up digital copies (so far mostly PS1 Classics) before the store shutdown in July. I was so fixated on this initial goal that I hadn't looked that much into stocking up on physical copies of PS3 games. In retrospect, that was a mistake. It's probably too late for me.

PlayStation 3 games sure have gotten expensive screenshot

Jordan Devore