Nintendo allegedly canned The Legend of Zelda live-action series after Netflix leak

3 years 5 months ago

You might remember, back in 2015, several reports emerged that Netflix was working with Nintendo to produce a live-action Legend of Zelda series. Mere weeks later, it seemed as if this exciting project was nothing more than wishful thinking. Well, in today's hot gossip, it is being reported that the Zelda series was indeed in the works, but Nintendo canceled the project after its existence was leaked to the press.

The intriguing new tidbit comes from U.S. comedian Adam Conover, dating back to a time when Conover worked with viral website CollegeHumor. According to Conover, the CollegeHumor team were working on a series of StarFox skits that featured stop-motion animation - a play on Wes Anderson's 2009 movie Fantastic Mr. Fox. These skits had Nintendo's backing, with Shigeru Miyamoto himself visiting the CollegeHumor office.

But speaking on podcast TheSerfTimes yesterday, (as noted by superrerogatory), Conover recounted how, out of the blue, the plug was abruptly pulled on the StarFox project. You can hear Conover's story for yourself at 39:00 in the video below.

Nintendo allegedly canned The Legend of Zelda live-action series after Netflix leak screenshot

Chris Moyse