Ninja Chowdown is just like a donut: cheap and satisfying

3 years 6 months ago

For a little over a month now, I've been on a diet and a fairly restrictive one at that. It's probably not the wisest thing to do during the season of gingerbread cookies and figgy pudding, but, somehow, I've stuck with it for longer than any weight loss attempt before it. I've had to give up a lot of my favorite foods, from chai tea lattes to cheese and crackers, but what I miss most are donuts.

Sweet, wonderful, they-should-probably-be-a-dessert-rather-than-a-breakfast donuts. They used to be the best part of waking up, but now, they're the constant reminder of why I have a gut. Playing through Ninja Chowdown hasn't made their absence from my life any easier.

From developer Dummy Dojo, Ninja Chowdown is a free-to-play auto-runner out now on iOS. It's not an endless runner as the game is broken down into a series of levels that sees the thicc and lovely Donatsu chase down his enemies in his quest to retrieve the stolen Knownut, a glowing golden donut that probably tastes wonderful. Donatsu's journey will take him from city streets to under the sea to volcanic islands and beyond.

Ninja Chowdown is just like a donut: cheap and satisfying screenshot

CJ Andriessen