Fallout 76's first 'season' and the long-awaited public teams feature are now live

3 years 10 months ago

Fallout 76 is still chugging along, coasting off of its free Wastelanders update, but there's more work to be done. The game is getting one of its biggest quality of life changes yet alongside of a potential seasonal cash grab, depending on how it's handled going forward (so far it's fairly innocuous, but Bethesda could always pull an Activision with it).

Yes folks, the premium price tag and a subscription service weren't enough: now Fallout 76 is joining the online shooter "seasonal" craze, complete with the option of buying ranks for atoms (premium currency) in a few weeks. The service is free for all right now, but according to the seasonal FAQ, the team "may add Fallout 1st" (subscription pass) options in the future. You can find that full rundown here, including a nice breakdown of the items.

The biggest part of the update for me is public teams. This is huge, as now players can actually group up with an incentive (more XP/bonus stats), allowing the world to feel less lifeless during play sessions. In short all you have to do is choose the public team option from a menu, then search or create your own party based on specific goals (hunting, roleplaying, event-focus, exploration, building or casual play). It's great.

In other news, nearly 100 glitches have been fixed, from animation issues to server problems to major building-based bugs. That's par for the course for a Fallout 76 update though, as there's hundreds more to still squish out and more will inevitably pop up because of this patch. You can catch the patch notes for the seasonal drop and public teams below, and read the full Update 20 patch notes here.

Inside the Vault [Bethesda.net]

Fallout 76's first 'season' and the long-awaited public teams feature are now live screenshot

Chris Carter