Fallout 76 gets a smallish patch to sweep up some bugs

2 years 11 months ago

We're getting the second part of the Steel Dawn questline fairly soon in Fallout 76, but before that larger update arrives, we just got a smaller patch that paves the way for that hefty amount of content.

A new patch is live for all versions of the game, ranging from 2.46GB to 9.40GB depending on the platform. As usual these are sort of catch-up updates, squashing lingering bugs, mostly with armor effects and CAMPS: a classic source of bug fixes.

In terms of raw gameplay, VATS attacks are fixed in PVP, Daily Ops markers now will display the correct quest, enemies will now spawn correctly, and three quests have been fixed so you can finish them properly (Cheating Death, Disarming Discovery, Over and Out).

There's just so much to fix in this game it's kind of insane, especially when you account for some of the bugs that Bethesda is catching up on from launch. Thankfully the foundation has been getting upgrades in the last year or so, allowing for quality of life changes like more inventory space and additional CAMP and perk slots.

You can find the full patch notes below!

Update Notes [Bethesda.net]

Fallout 76 gets a smallish patch to sweep up some bugs screenshot

Chris Carter